Comments on: Conquering Copyright and Scaling Open Data Projects – How Chris Taggart is Counting Culture Extract tables from PDFs and scrape the web Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:12:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Henare Degan Fri, 16 Sep 2011 09:20:32 +0000 Just so you know you’re not alone Chris, I can echo your experiences with what we’ve found here in Australia.

As far as I know the government doesn’t have a list of all planning authorities or even councils in Australia – we had to crowd source it.

When we setup the volunteers put in a lot of time ensuring we got permission to republish the Crown Copyrighted Hansard.

With PlanningAlerts we took the “ask for forgiveness rather than permission” approach and where did it get us? We regularly get councils emailing us asking if they could please be added to PlanningAlerts (i.e. scraped).

Not only that but a number of councils around Australia now embed a Google Map from PlanningAlerts on their site. We love that they’re doing this but it does mean we’re in the perplexing situation of scraping copyrighted data from a council website, republishing it using an open API, which the councils then use to put on their website!
