Comments on: Software Archaeology and the ScraperWiki Data Challenge at #europython Extract tables from PDFs and scrape the web Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:12:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zarino Zappia Wed, 04 Jul 2012 07:56:02 +0000 Hi Michal! You’re right, things are a lot quieter on the PHP front here at ScraperWiki, although that’s certainly not intentional – it’s just what most ScraperWiki coders use. 78% of ScraperWiki scrapers are written in Python, with PHP and Ruby accounting for another 11% each.

We’re working on some research right now of Twitter scrapers, and there the divide is even stronger. Of 57260 ScraperWiki scrapers which accessed in the last month, only 99 were written in PHP. That’s less than 0.2%. By way of comparison, 722 (1.3%) were written in Ruby and 56439 (98.5%) were written in Python. There are a couple of reasons for this Python-centricity, which we’ll cover in the accompanying blog post.

If you’ve got any ideas as to how we could make ScraperWiki more useful to PHP coders, drop me an email: I’m a PHP boy at heart, so would love to see it get more use!! 🙂

By: Michal Tue, 03 Jul 2012 21:19:24 +0000 Python, python, … I’d love to see such ScraperWiki’s activity for php as well (I get the feeling that php is the last and just tolarated “child” of SW)
