Comments on: Sharing in 6 dimensions Extract tables from PDFs and scrape the web Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:12:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julian Todd Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:14:47 +0000 Here! Here! to this. Ever since the unix file permission system, access authority has always been mangled. Don’t offer combinations of dimensions based on orthogonality where no use case is justified. The issue has always been getting people to use their write access when they should, not preventing people from having write access. I’d share everything (except the bank details) with anyone I would trust with my house keys — which is quite a few people.

Though one thing about “sharing everything with someone you trust”: you could have a time-out on this which you set in advance. Nothing is permanent, and this would be a good way of cleaning up the cruft of what should often be temporary access for specific things.

In the longer term, if you are recording access times, you might spot patterns that I tend to give access to an acquaintance to get some data in relation to something we were talking about down the pub, and after they have got it during the next week they never visit again — although they are now marked for permanent access, which I have to consciously decrement later, with the concern that I might cause offense if the status is conflated with friending. So I should just give them access for a week, which times out.

Maybe even the access is for a certain amount of clicks or files, so it’s like: “Sure, I got a copy of that, here’s the key to my office, it’s on top of the filing cabinet.” I can get on with having my coffee, so I don’t need to lead him there up the elevator and down the hallway and physically show it to him, which takes up my precious time. Though I might not be impressed if I get back and I find he’s been rifling through all the desk drawers, the coat pockets, the cabinets, and so forth.

What we have here is total access for polite people. And politeness does follow a particular pattern that a computer can recognize. Things don’t get moved around that shouldn’t. Maybe a note left on my desk when I get back about something he happened to spot.

We do commit messages on code check-ins. Maybe if they change something or move stuff around, they are forced to write me a little note. Can we have little notes prior to reading? You start surfing around through a set of documents that aren’t yours. After ten seconds of reading one, the modal dialog pops up with the question: “Hey, what are you doing here?” Fill in the answer that gets parsed for legibility, it gets saved for later and you can carry on looking.

By: vandeput Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:03:29 +0000 Thanks Matt for responding and opening the ticket, I have commented there 🙂

Irvan Putra.

By: Matthew Hughes Wed, 24 Jul 2013 10:23:10 +0000 Hi Irvan!
I’m not Zarino, but I work at ScraperWiki and I might be able to help. As I understand it, it doesn’t do this yet! I’ve been informed that it generates it once, and never again. I’ve created a ticket for you on Github. Please comment on the ticket and let us know what you’d expect to happen.


By: vandeput Wed, 24 Jul 2013 03:44:40 +0000 Hi Zarino, so if I scheduled the scraper at 9am daily, when the data I shared using “Open your data” updated? ASAP or delayed?
