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parliament | description | title | type_of_bill | nzgls_identifier | bill_type | dc_channelguid | third_reading | dc_committeestatus | valid_from | link | act | member_in_charge | related_pages | royal_assent | bill_no | referred_to | submissions_due | introduction | report_due | first_reading | committee_of_the_whole_house | second_reading |
49 | (Formerly part of Auditor Regulation and External Reporting Bill) | Financial Reporting Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10619_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 11/5/11 | 2011-05-11T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Simon Power | Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 214-3B | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Environmental Protection Authority Bill) | Imports and Exports (Restrictions) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10629_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 11/5/11 | 2011-05-11T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Dr Nick Smith | None | 246-3C | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | ||
49 | The purpose of the bill is to allow for more cost-effective borrowing by local authorities. | Local Government Borrowing Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10590_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2011-04-06T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Rodney Hide | Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 281-1 | None | None | 6/4/11 | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill gives effect to a deed entered into between the Crown and Maniapoto. | Nga Wai o Maniapoto (Waipa River) Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10454_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-11-16T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Christopher Finlayson | Bills Digest No 1852|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 231-1 | None | None | 16/11/10 | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill gives effect to the deed of settlement entered into by the Crown and Ngati Pahauwera in which a final settlement of Ngati Pahauwera historical claims was agreed. | Ngāti Pāhauwera Treaty Claims Settlement Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10545_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2011-03-01T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Christopher Finlayson | Bills Digest No 1851|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 273-1 | None | None | 1/3/11 | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill gives effect to the deed of settlement between the Crown and Ngati Porou for the final settlement of the historical claims of Ngati Porou | Ngati Porou Claims Settlement Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10537_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2011-02-15T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Christopher Finlayson | Bills Digest No 1862|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 270-1 | None | None | 15/2/11 | None | None | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Environmental Protection Authority Bill) | Ozone Layer Protection Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10631_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 11/5/11 | 2011-05-11T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Dr Nick Smith | None | 246-3D | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | ||
48 | This bill amends the Radiocommunications Act 1989 in line with the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement. (Formerly part of New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill) | Radiocommunications Amendment Bill (No 5) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8659_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 24/7/08 | 2008-07-28T12:00:00.000Z | | Radiocommunications Amendment Act 2008 (No 2) (08/51) | Hon Phil Goff | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 28/7/08 | 210-2C | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Local Government Law Reform Bill) | Rates Rebate Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7404_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 22/6/06 | 2006-06-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Rates Rebate Amendment Act 2006 (06/29) | Hon Mark Burton | 27/6/06 | 32-4G | None | None | None | None | None | 21/6/06 | None | ||
49 | The purpose of this bill is to require judges to make returns of pecuniary interests to provide greater transparency and avoid conflicts of interest in the judicial role. | Register of Pecuniary Interests of Judges Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL10444_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-11-11T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Dr Kennedy Graham | Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 240-1 | None | None | 11/11/10 | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill repeals 31 Acts that have been identified as being spent. | Regulatory Reform (Repeals) Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10478_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2011-02-17T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Rodney Hide | Bills Digest No 1822|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Regulatory Reform (Repeals) Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 249-1 | Commerce Committee | 1/4/11 | 25/11/10 | 17/8/11 | 17/2/11 | None | None |
49 | This is an omnibus bill that amends a range of Acts with the purpose of reducing compliance for business. | Regulatory Reform Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10528_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2011-02-15T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Rodney Hide | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Regulatory Reform Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website|View all evidence (including submissions) | None | 269-1 | Commerce Committee | 1/4/11 | 16/12/10 | 15/8/11 | 15/2/11 | None | None |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to improve the quality of regulation in New Zealand. | Regulatory Standards Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10563_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2011-03-15T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Rodney Hide | Bills Digest No 1847|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 277-1 | None | None | 15/3/11 | None | None | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill (No 2)) | Reserves Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8453_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/3/08 | 2008-03-26T12:00:00.000Z | | Reserves Amendment Act 2008 (08/17) | Hon Lianne Dalziel | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 26/3/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 13/3/08 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans' Pensions (Entitlements of Spouses and Partners of People in Long-term Residential Care and Remedial Matters) Bill) | War Pensions Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7381_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 27/6/06 | 2006-06-30T12:00:00.000Z | | War Pensions Amendment Act 2006 (06/32) | Hon David Benson-Pope | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Amendment Bill, War Pensions Amendment Bill — T|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Amendment Bill, War Pensions Amendment Bill — T | 30/6/06 | 22-2B | None | None | None | None | None | 13/6/06 | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill) | War Pensions Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9966_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 20/5/10 | 2010-05-27T12:00:00.000Z | | War Pensions Amendment Act 2010 (10/31) | Hon Bill English | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 27/5/10 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill) | Wild Animal Control Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10091_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 29/6/10 | 2010-07-06T12:00:00.000Z | | Wild Animal Control Amendment Act 2010 (10/92) | Hon Nathan Guy | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 6/7/10 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill (No 5)) | Valuers Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7141_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 8/12/05 | 2005-12-14T12:00:00.000Z | | Valuers Amendment Act 2005 (05/117) | Hon Clayton Cosgrove | 14/12/05 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 8/12/05 | None | ||
48 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill (No 2)) | Veterinarians Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8455_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/3/08 | 2008-03-26T12:00:00.000Z | | Veterinarians Amendment Act 2008 (08/19) | Hon Lianne Dalziel | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 26/3/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 13/3/08 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Criminal Procedure Bill) | Victims' Rights Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8616_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 19/6/08 | 2008-06-25T12:00:00.000Z | | Victims' Rights Amendment Act 2008 (08/42) | Hon Annette King | 25/6/08 | 158-3F | None | None | None | None | None | 17/6/08 | None | ||
48 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill) | Volunteers Employment Protection Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8291_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 11/9/07 | 2007-09-19T12:00:00.000Z | | Volunteers Employment Protection Amendment Act 2007 (07/86) | Hon Clayton Cosgrove | 19/9/07 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 11/9/07 | None | ||
47 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill (No 3)) | War Funds Act Repeal Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL5861_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 16/10/03 | 2003-10-21T12:00:00.000Z | | War Funds Act Repeal Act 2003 (03/102) | Hon Rick Barker | Debates (Hansard) for 16/10/03|Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) | 21/10/03 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 16/10/03 | None | |
48 | This bill was formerly part of the Aquaculture Legislation Amendment Bill (Formerly part of Aquaculture Legislation Amendment Bill) | Aquaculture Reform (Repeals and Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8787_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 23/9/08 | 2008-09-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Aquaculture Reform (Repeals and Transitional Provisions) Amendment Act 2008 (08/92) | Hon Trevor Mallard | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Third Readings|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 27/9/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill amends the Arms Act to amend the definition of military style semi-automatic firearms and place restrictions on the importation of airguns that look like restricted weapons. | Arms (Military Style Semi-automatic Firearms and Import Controls) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10610_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2011-05-11T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Judith Collins | Make a submission|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Arms (Military Style Semi-Automatic Firearms and Import Controls) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Arms (Military Style Semi-Automatic Firearms and Import Controls) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 285-1 | Law and Order Committee | 16/6/11 | 15/4/11 | 4/8/11 | 11/5/11 | None | None |
49 | (Formerly part of Auditor Regulation and External Reporting Bill) | Auditor Regulation Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10618_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 11/5/11 | 2011-05-19T12:00:00.000Z | | Auditor Regulation Act 2011 (11/21) | Hon Simon Power | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 19/5/11 | 214-3A | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Domestic Violence (Enhancing Safety) Bill) | Bail Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9634_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 20/10/09 | 2009-10-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Bail Amendment Act 2009 (09/45) | Hon Simon Power | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Domestic Violence Amendment Bill, Sentencing Amendment Bill (No 2), Bail Amendment Bill (No 2) —|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 27/10/09 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
48 | The purpose of the bill is to state the status under section 37 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 of specified ports, and the consequences of the statements of status. | Biosecurity (Status of Specified Ports) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7157_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/12/05 | 2005-12-21T12:00:00.000Z | | Biosecurity (Status of Specified Ports) Amendment Act 2005 (05/124) | Hon Jim Anderton | Bills Digest No 1323|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Biosecurity (Status of Specified Ports) Amendment Bill — First Reading, Second Reading, Procedur | 21/12/05 | 12-1 | None | None | 13/12/05 | None | 13/12/05 | None | 13/12/05 | |
49 | This is an omnibus bill that amends a range of Acts with the purpose of updating the biosecurity system to enable it to respond to increasing challenges. | Biosecurity Law Reform Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10477_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2010-12-10T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon David Carter | Bills Digest No 1829|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Biosecurity Law Reform Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website|View all evidence (including submissions) | None | 256-1 | Primary Production Committee | 10/2/11 | 25/11/10 | 19/7/11 | 9/12/10 | None | None |
48 | (Formerly part of Electoral Finance Bill) | Broadcasting Amendment Bill (No 3) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8388_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 18/12/07 | 2007-12-19T12:00:00.000Z | | Broadcasting Amendment Act (No 2) 2007 (07/112) | Hon Annette King | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Electoral Finance Bill, Broadcasting Amendment Bill (No 3), Electoral Amendment Bill — Third Rea|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Electoral Finance Bill, Broadcasting Amendment Bill (No 3), Electoral Amendment Bill — Third Rea|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 19/12/07 | 130-3A | None | None | None | None | None | 11/12/07 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to provide for the regulation of building work, a licensing regime for builders, and performance standards for buildings, and to promote accountability from those responsible for ensuring building work complies with the building code. | Building Amendment Bill (No 3) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10468_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2010-12-09T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Maurice Williamson | Bills Digest No 1827|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Building Amendment Bill (No 3) — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website|View all evidence (including submissions) | None | 253-1 | Local Government and Environment Committee | 4/3/11 | 23/11/10 | 30/6/11 | 9/12/10 | None | None |
49 | This bill provides for 18 March 2011 to be a day of commemoration in order to commemorate the consequences of the Canterbury earthquake, in particular the aftershock on 22 February 2011. | Canterbury Earthquake Commemoration Day Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10553_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 10/3/11 | 2011-03-14T12:00:00.000Z | | Canterbury Earthquake Commemoration Day Act 2011 (11/1) | Hon Kate Wilkinson | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Canterbury Earthquake Commemoration Day Bill — Procedure, First Reading, Second Reading, Procedu|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 14/3/11 | 276-1 | None | None | 10/3/11 | None | 10/3/11 | None | 10/3/11 | |
47 | (Formerly part of Local Government Law Reform Bill (No 3)) | Chatham Islands Council Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6206_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 29/6/04 | 2004-07-06T12:00:00.000Z | | Chatham Islands Council Amendment Act 2004 (04/60) | Hon Chris Carter | Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation)|Debates (Hansard) for 29/6/04 | 6/7/04 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 29/6/04 | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Taxation (Annual Rates, GST, Trans-Tasman Imputation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill) | Child Support Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL5904_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 19/11/03 | 2003-11-25T12:00:00.000Z | | Child Support Amendment Act (No 2) 2003 (03/125) | Hon Dr Michael Cullen | Bill 60-3D [PDF 127k]|Adobe's web site. Related links Debates (Hansard) for 18/11/03 Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 19/11/03 | 25/11/03 | 60-3D | None | None | None | None | None | 18/11/03 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to create a more inclusive citizenship system. | Citizenship Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10432_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-10-28T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Nathan Guy | Bills Digest No 1838|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 226-1 | None | None | 28/10/10 | None | None | None | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Identity (Citizenship and Travel Documents) Bill) | Citizenship Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6679_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 12/4/05 | 2005-04-20T12:00:00.000Z | | Citizenship Amendment Act 2005 (05/43) | Hon George Hawkins | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Voting — Correction; Citizenship Amendment Bill (No 2), Passports Amendment Bill (No 2) — Third|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Voting — Correction; Citizenship Amendment Bill (No 2), Passports Amendment Bill (No 2) — Third|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 20/4/05 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 12/4/05 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Aviation Security Legislation Bill) | Civil Aviation Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8293_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 18/9/07 | 2007-09-25T12:00:00.000Z | | Civil Aviation Amendment Act 2007 (07/89) | Hon Harry Duynhoven | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Aviation Crimes Amendment Bill, Civil Aviation Amendment Bill (No 2) — Third Readings|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Aviation Crimes Amendment Bill, Civil Aviation Amendment Bill (No 2) — Third Readings|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 25/9/07 | 110-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 11/9/07 | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Transport Legislation Bill) | Civil Aviation Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6502_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 30/11/04 | 2004-11-30T12:00:00.000Z | | Civil Aviation Amendment Act (No 2) 2004 (04/95) | Hon Pete Hodgson | Bill 172-3A [PDF 541k]|Adobe's web site. Related links Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 16/11/04 Debates (Hansard) for 30/11/04 | 30/11/04 | 172-3A | None | None | None | None | None | 16/11/04 | None | |
48-49 | The purposes of this bill are to alter the funding priorities of the National Land Transport Fund over time so that, after five years, funds are allocated mainly to travel demand management and infrastructure and services supporting transport modes other than the private motor vehicle. | Climate Change (Transport Funding) Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL8352_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2009-07-01T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Jeanette Fitzsimons | Bills Digest No 1594|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Climate Change (Transport Funding) Bill — First Reading|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Climate Change (Transport Funding) Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 180-1 | None | None | 22/11/07 | None | First reading negatived (1/7/09) | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Environmental Protection Authority Bill) | Climate Change Response Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10628_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 11/5/11 | 2011-05-17T12:00:00.000Z | | Climate Change Response Amendment Act 2011 (11/15) | Hon Dr Nick Smith | 17/5/11 | 246-3A | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | ||
48 | (Formerly part of Insolvency Law Reform Bill) | Companies Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7692_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 26/10/06 | 2006-11-07T12:00:00.000Z | | Companies Amendment Act 2006 (06/56) | Hon Lianne Dalziel | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Insolvency Bill, Companies Amendment Bill, Insolvency (Cross-border) Bill — Third Readings|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 7/11/06 | 14-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 24/10/06 | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill (No 4)) | Constitution Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6711_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 10/5/05 | 2005-05-16T12:00:00.000Z | | Constitution Amendment Act 2005 (05/48) | Hon Rick Barker | Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation)|Debates (Hansard) for 10/5/05 | 16/5/05 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 10/5/05 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this omnibus bill is to make amendments to several consumer related acts. | Consumer Law Reform Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10613_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2011-04-20T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Simon Power | Bills Digest No 1857|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 287-1 | None | None | 20/4/11 | None | None | None | None | |
48 | This bill gives consumers the right to have access to information on food products so they can make informed food purchasing decisions. | Consumer's Right to Know (Food Information) Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL7241_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2006-06-28T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Sue Kedgley | Bills Digest No 1359|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Consumer's Right to Know (Food Information) Bill — First Reading|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Consumer's Right to Know (Food Information) Bill — First Reading | None | 37-1 | None | None | 30/3/06 | None | First reading negatived (28/6/06) | None | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Business Law Reform Bill) | Co-operative Companies Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6000_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 6/4/04 | 2004-04-14T12:00:00.000Z | | Co-operative Companies Amendment Act 2004 (04/25) | Hon Margaret Wilson | Debates (Hansard) for 6/4/04|Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) | 14/4/04 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 6/4/04 | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Legislation (Incorporation by Reference) Bill) | Copyright Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6670_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 12/4/05 | 2005-04-14T12:00:00.000Z | | Copyright Amendment Act 2005 (05/33) | Hon Pete Hodgson | Debates (Hansard) for 12/4/05|Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) | 14/4/05 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 12/4/05 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Judicial Retirement Age Bill) | Coroners Act 2006 Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7786_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 27/2/07 | 2007-03-05T12:00:00.000Z | | Coroners Act 2006 Amendment Act 2007 (07/6) | Hon Rick Barker | 5/3/07 | 90-2F | None | None | None | None | None | 22/2/07 | None | ||
48 | (Formerly part of Armed Forces Law Reform Bill) | Court Martial Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8326_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 6/11/07 | 2007-11-13T12:00:00.000Z | | Court Martial Act 2007 (07/101) | Hon Phil Goff | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 13/11/07 | 108-3D | None | None | None | None | None | 10/10/07 | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Judicial Matters Bill) | Courts Martial Appeals Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6041_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/5/04 | 2004-05-19T12:00:00.000Z | | Courts Martial Appeals Amendment Act 2004 (04/41) | Hon Margaret Wilson | Bill 71-3D [PDF 108k]|Adobe's web site. Related links Debates (Hansard) for 12/5/04 Debates (Hansard) for 13/5/04 Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) | 19/5/04 | 71-3D | None | None | None | None | None | 12/5/04 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to amend provisions in the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 and the Credit (Repossession) Act 1997. | Credit Reforms (Responsible Lending) Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9318_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-07-21T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Carol Beaumont | Bills Digest No 1784|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Credit Reforms (Responsible Lending) Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 73-1 | None | None | 20/8/09 | None | First reading negatived (21/7/10) | None | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to repeal and replace section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961. | Crimes (Reasonable Parental Control and Correction) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9488_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-09-08T12:00:00.000Z | | None | David Garrett | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Crimes (Reasonable Parental Control and Correction) Amendment Bill — First Reading | None | 78-1 | None | None | 26/8/09 | None | First reading negatived (8/9/10) | None | None | |
49 | This bill implements the recommendations of the Law Commission in relation to the protection of children and young persons from assault, neglect, and ill treatment. | Crimes Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10599_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2011-05-10T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Simon Power | Make a submission|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Crimes Amendment Bill (No 2) — First Reading|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Crimes Amendment Bill (No 2) — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 284-1 | Social Services Committee | 3/6/11 | 12/4/11 | 18/8/11 | 10/5/11 | None | None |
48 | (Formerly part of Criminal Procedure Bill) | Criminal Disclosure Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8612_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 19/6/08 | 2008-06-25T12:00:00.000Z | | Criminal Disclosure Act 2008 (08/38) | Hon Annette King | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 25/6/08 | 158-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 17/6/08 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Statutes Amendment Bill (No 2)) | Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8445_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/3/08 | 2008-03-26T12:00:00.000Z | | Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Act 2008 (08/9) | Hon Lianne Dalziel | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 26/3/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 13/3/08 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to simplify criminal procedure and provide an enduring legislative framework that is fair, reduces unecessary delay, flexible, and able to take advantage of technological developments. | Criminal Procedure (Reform and Modernisation) Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10451_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2010-11-24T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Simon Power | Bills Digest 1819|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Criminal Procedure (Reform and Modernisation) Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website|View all evidence (including submissions) | None | 243-1 | Justice and Electoral Committee | 18/2/11 | 15/11/10 | 14/7/11 | 24/11/10 | None | None |
47 | (Formerly part of Public Finance (State Sector Management) Bill) | Crown Entities Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6563_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 14/12/04 | 2004-12-21T12:00:00.000Z | | Crown Entities Act 2004 (04/115) | Hon Dr Michael Cullen | Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation)|Debates (Hansard) for 14/12/04 | 21/12/04 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 14/12/04 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to prevent land being removed from the protection of Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991. | Crown Minerals (Protection of Public Conservation Land Listed in the Fourth Schedule) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9854_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-04-22T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Metiria Turei | Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 138-1 | None | None | 22/4/10 | None | None | None | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Electricity and Gas Industries Bill) | Crown Minerals Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6424_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/10/04 | 2004-10-17T12:00:00.000Z | | Crown Minerals Amendment Act 2004 (04/84) | Hon Pete Hodgson | Bill 86-3E [PDF 129k]|Adobe's web site. Related links Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 13/10/04 Debates (Hansard) for 12/10/04 | 17/10/04 | 86-3E | None | None | None | None | None | 12/10/04 | None | |
49 | The purpose of the bill is to establish a new system to set rents for Crown pastoral leases. | Crown Pastoral Land (Rent for Pastoral Leases) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10500_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2011-02-17T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Maurice Williamson | Bills Digest No 1842|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Crown Pastoral Land (Rent for Pastoral Leases) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Crown Pastoral Land (Rent for Pastoral Leases) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website|View all evidence (including submissions) | None | 262-1 | Primary Production Committee | 25/3/11 | 9/12/10 | 5/7/11 | 17/2/11 | None | None |
49 | This bill was divided from the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area Bill by the Committee of the whole House (Formerly part of ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area Bill) | Customs and Excise (AANZFTA) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9275_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 21/7/09 | 2009-07-22T12:00:00.000Z | | Customs and Excise (AANZFTA) Amendment Act 2009 (09/21) | Hon Tim Groser | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Tariff (AANZFTA) Amendment Bill, Customs and Excise (AANZFTA) Amendment Bill — Third Readings|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Tariff (AANZFTA) Amendment Bill, Customs and Excise (AANZFTA) Amendment Bill — Third Readings|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 22/7/09 | 26-2B | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill amends the Customs and Excise Act 1996 to make goods produced in whole or in part by slave labour a prohibited import. | Customs and Excise (Prohibition of Imports Made by Slave Labour) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9293_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2009-07-29T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Maryan Street | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Customs and Excise (Prohibition of Imports Made by Slave Labour) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 57-1 | None | None | 22/7/09 | None | First reading negatived (29/7/09) | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Social Assistance (Debt Prevention and Minimisation) Amendment Bill) | Customs and Excise (Social Assistance) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8458_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 3/4/08 | 2008-04-08T12:00:00.000Z | | Customs and Excise (Social Assistance) Amendment Act 2008 (08/25) | Hon Ruth Dyson | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Corrections (Social Assistance) Amendment Bill, Customs and Excise (Social Assistance) Amendment|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 8/4/08 | 134-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 19/3/08 | None | |
49 | The purpose of the bill is to make amendments to the Customs and Excise Act 1996 to prohibit the import into New Zealand of timber and wood products produced illegally and unsustainably | Customs and Excise (Sustainable Forestry) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9257_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2009-11-18T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Catherine Delahunty | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Customs and Excise (Sustainable Forestry) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 48-1 | None | None | 18/6/09 | None | First reading negatived (18/11/09) | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Border (Customs, Excise, and Tariff) Processing Bill) | Customs and Excise Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9703_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 24/11/09 | 2009-12-07T12:00:00.000Z | | Customs and Excise Amendment Act 2009 (09/61) | Hon Maurice Williamson | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Customs and Excise Amendment Bill, Tariff Amendment Bill — Third Readings | 7/12/09 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Border Security Bill) | Customs and Excise Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6183_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 29/6/04 | 2004-07-01T12:00:00.000Z | | Customs and Excise Amendment Act 2004 (04/55) | Hon Rick Barker | Bill 53-3A [PDF 4606k]|Adobe's web site. Related documents Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Customs and Excise Amendment Bill, Immigration Amendment Bill (No 3) — Third Readings Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Customs and Excise Amendment Bill, Immigration Amendment Bill (No 3) — Third Readings Related links Debates (Hansard) for 29/6/04 Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 17/6/04 | 1/7/04 | 53-3A | None | None | None | None | None | 17/6/04 | None | |
48 | This bill amends the Customs and Excise Act 1996 in line with the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement. (Formerly part of New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill) | Customs and Excise Amendment Bill (No 4) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8660_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 24/7/08 | 2008-07-28T12:00:00.000Z | | Customs and Excise Amendment Act 2008 (08/50) | Hon Phil Goff | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 28/7/08 | 210-2B | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
48 | This was bill was divided from the Biofuel Bill by the committee of the whole House (Formerly part of Biofuel Bill) | Customs and Excise and Amendment Bill (No 5) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8726_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 2/9/08 | 2008-09-09T12:00:00.000Z | | Customs and Excise and Amendment Act (No 2) 2008 (08/61) | Hon David Parker | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 9/9/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Volunteers Employment Protection Amendment Bill) | Defence Amendment Bill (No 2) | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL5976_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 24/3/04 | 2004-03-30T12:00:00.000Z | | Defence Amendment Act 2004 (04/13) | Dr Wayne Mapp | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Volunteers Employment Protection Amendment Bill, Defence Amendment Bill (No 2) — Third Readings|Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation)|Debates (Hansard) for 24/3/04 | 30/3/04 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 24/3/04 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Armed Forces Law Reform Bill) | Defence Amendment Bill (No 3) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8325_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 6/11/07 | 2007-11-13T12:00:00.000Z | | Defence Amendment Act (No 2) 2007 (07/100) | Hon Phil Goff | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 13/11/07 | 108-3C | None | None | None | None | None | 10/10/07 | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Disabled Persons Employment Promotion (Repeal and Related Matters) Bill) | Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Repeal Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7811_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 21/3/07 | 2007-03-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Repeal Act 2007 (07/11) | Hon Ruth Dyson | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Repeal Bill, Minimum Wage Amendment Bill — Third Readings|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 27/3/07 | 138-2A | None | None | None | None | None | 20/3/07 | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Judicial Matters Bill) | District Courts (District Court Judges) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9787_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 18/3/10 | 2010-03-22T12:00:00.000Z | | District Courts (District Court Judges) Amendment Act 2010 (10/6) | Hon Christopher Finlayson | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Judicial Conduct Commissioner and Judicial Conduct Panel (Deputy Commissioner and Disposal of Co|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 22/3/10 | 216-3B | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Courts and Criminal Matters Bill) | District Courts Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7232_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 30/3/06 | 2006-04-09T12:00:00.000Z | | District Courts Amendment Act 2006 (06/8) | Hon Rick Barker | 9/4/06 | 41-3C | None | None | None | None | None | 28/3/06 | None | ||
48 | (Formerly part of Criminal Procedure Bill) | District Courts Amendment Bill (No 5) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8613_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 19/6/08 | 2008-06-25T12:00:00.000Z | | District Courts Amendment Act (No 2) 2008 (08/39) | Hon Annette King | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 25/6/08 | 158-3C | None | None | None | None | None | 17/6/08 | None | |
48 | This Bill repeals the microchipping provisions in the Dog Control Act 1996 for all dogs unless thay are classified as menacing or dangerous. | Dog Control (Cancellation of Microchipping Requirements) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL7265_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2006-05-17T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Jeanette Fitzsimons | Bills Digest No 1369|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Dog Control (Cancellation of Microchipping Requirements) Amendment Bill — First Reading | None | 40-1 | None | None | 4/5/06 | None | First reading negatived (17/5/06) | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Local Government Law Reform Bill) | Dog Control Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7396_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 22/6/06 | 2006-06-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Dog Control Amendment Act 2006 (06/23) | Hon Mark Burton | 27/6/06 | 32-4A | None | None | None | None | None | 21/6/06 | None | ||
47 | (Formerly part of Local Government Law Reform Bill (No 3)) | Dog Control Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6208_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 29/6/04 | 2004-07-06T12:00:00.000Z | | Dog Control Amendment Act 2004 (04/61) | Hon Chris Carter | Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation)|Debates (Hansard) for 29/6/04 | 6/7/04 | None | None | None | None | None | None | 29/6/04 | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Domestic Violence (Enhancing Safety) Bill) | Domestic Violence Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9633_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 20/10/09 | 2009-10-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Domestic Violence Amendment Act 2009 (09/43) | Hon Simon Power | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Domestic Violence Amendment Bill, Sentencing Amendment Bill (No 2), Bail Amendment Bill (No 2) —|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 27/10/09 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
48-49 | Domestic Violence Reform Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8801_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2008-09-30T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Simon Power | Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 304-1 | None | None | 30/9/08 | None | None | None | None | ||
48-49 | The purpose of this Bill is to allow the Minister of Education to publish agreed national standards in literacy and numeracy, and to require schools to provide information in their annual reports about the progress of students in respect of any national standards in literacy and numeracy that have been published. | Education (National Standards of Literacy and Numeracy) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL7732_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2008-12-18T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Allan Peachey | Bills Digest No 1477|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Voting — Correction—Education (National Standards) Amendment Bill|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 96-1 | None | None | 23/11/06 | None | None | None | None | |
47 | The Bill aims to make the single transferable vote (STV) system available for the election of trustees to shool boards. | Education (School Boards of Trustees Single Transferable Vote Option) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL6022_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2004-09-08T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Rod Donald | Bill 134-1 [PDF 137k]|Adobe's web site. Related documents Bills Digest No 1099 Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Education (School Boards of Trustees Single Transferable Vote Option) Amendment Bill — First Rea Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Voting — Correction Related links Debates (Hansard) for 8/9/04 | None | 134-1 | None | None | 6/5/04 | None | First reading negatived (8/9/04) | None | None | |
48 | This bill amends the Education Act 1989 to enhance student safety in the early childhood and compulsory sectors, the efficient governace of the compulsory sector and the administration of the compulsory and tertiary sectors. | Education Amendment Bill (No 3) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8754_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2008-10-03T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Chris Carter | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Education Amendment Bill (No 3) — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 295-1 | Education and Science Committee | None | 9/9/08 | None | 23/9/08 | None | None |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to increase transparency and accountability in the tertiary education system. | Education Amendment Bill (No 4) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10589_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | Currently before committee | 2011-04-12T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Hon Steven Joyce | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Education Amendment Bill (No 4) — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website|View all evidence (including submissions) | None | 279-1 | Education and Science Committee | 13/5/11 | 6/4/11 | 29/7/11 | 12/4/11 | None | None |
48 | (Formerly part of Electoral Finance Bill) | Electoral Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8389_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 18/12/07 | 2007-12-19T12:00:00.000Z | | Electoral Amendment Act 2007 (07/113) | Hon Annette King | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Electoral Finance Bill, Broadcasting Amendment Bill (No 3), Electoral Amendment Bill — Third Rea|Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Electoral Finance Bill, Broadcasting Amendment Bill (No 3), Electoral Amendment Bill — Third Rea|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 19/12/07 | 130-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 11/12/07 | None | |
48-49 | This bill amends the Electoral Finance Act 2007 to ensure that financial agents of political parties and candidates do not have to publish their physical home address on election advertisements that they promote. The bill authorises the use of a corporate or organisational address instead. | Electoral Finance Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL8464_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2009-03-11T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Craig Foss | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Electoral Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 204-1 | None | None | 20/3/08 | None | None | None | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to reinstate the ban on thermal generation of electricity. | Electricity (Renewable Preference) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9883_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-06-16T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Chris Hipkins | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Electricity (Renewable Preference) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 150-1 | None | None | 6/5/10 | None | First reading negatived (16/6/10) | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Energy Safety Review Bill) | Electricity Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7725_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 23/11/06 | 2006-12-04T12:00:00.000Z | | Electricity Amendment Act 2006 (06/70) | Hon Harry Duynhoven | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 4/12/06 | 269-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 21/11/06 | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Electricity and Gas Industries Bill) | Electricity Industry Reform Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6421_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/10/04 | 2004-10-17T12:00:00.000Z | | Electricity Industry Reform Amendment Act 2004 (04/81) | Hon Pete Hodgson | Bill 86-3B [PDF 318k]|Adobe's web site. Related links Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 12/10/04 Debates (Hansard) for 13/10/04 | 17/10/04 | 86-3B | None | None | None | None | None | 12/10/04 | None | |
49 | This bill amends the Employment Relations Act to insert minimum statutory entitlements for employees in the event of dismissal for redundancy. | Employment Relations (Statutory Minimum Redundancy Entitlements) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9306_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-05-05T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Darien Fenton | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Employment Relations (Statutory Minimum Redundancy Entitlements) Amendment Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 65-1 | None | None | 5/8/09 | None | First reading negatived (5/5/10) | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Judicial Retirement Age Bill) | Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7782_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 27/2/07 | 2007-03-05T12:00:00.000Z | | Employment Relations Amendment Act 2007 (07/2) | Hon Rick Barker | 5/3/07 | 90-2B | None | None | None | None | None | 22/2/07 | None | ||
47 | (Formerly part of Employment Relations Law Reform Bill) | Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6443_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 19/10/04 | 2004-10-28T12:00:00.000Z | | Employment Relations Amendment Act (No 2) 2004 (04/86) | Hon Paul Swain | Bill 92-3A [PDF 1632k]|Adobe's web site. Related documents Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2), Health and Safety in Employment Amendment Bill (No 2 Related links Debates (Hansard) for 19/10/04 Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 14/10/04 | 28/10/04 | 92-3A | None | None | None | None | None | 14/10/04 | None | |
48 | This bill was divided from the Biofuel Bill by the committee of the whole House (Formerly part of Biofuel Bill) | Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8725_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 2/9/08 | 2008-09-09T12:00:00.000Z | | Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Amendment Act 2008 (08/60) | Hon David Parker | 9/9/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | ||
49 | The purpose of this bill is to require a special general election to be held for commissioners for Environment Canterbury within 3 months of the bill's enactment. | Environment Canterbury (Democracy Restoration) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL10322_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-09-09T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Brendon Burns | Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 208-1 | None | None | 9/9/10 | None | None | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Law Reform (Epidemic Preparedness) Bill) | Epidemic Preparedness Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7749_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 12/12/06 | 2006-12-18T12:00:00.000Z | | Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006 (06/85) | Hon Pete Hodgson | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 18/12/06 | 39-3A | None | None | None | None | None | 6/12/06 | None | |
49 | The purpose of this bill is to provide a framework for ethical investments mandates for the New Zealand Government's Crown Financial Institutes. | Ethical Investment (Crown Financial Institutions) Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL9882_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2010-08-04T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Grant Robertson | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Ethical Investment (Crown Financial Institutions) Bill — First Reading|Text of bill and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | None | 149-1 | None | None | 6/5/10 | None | First reading negatived (4/8/10) | None | None | |
48 | (Formerly part of Securities Legislation Bill) | Fair Trading Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL7680_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 12/10/06 | 2006-10-24T12:00:00.000Z | | Fair Trading Amendment Act 2006 (06/49) | Hon Lianne Dalziel | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 24/10/06 | 234-3D | None | None | None | None | None | 10/10/06 | None | |
48 | This bill amends the Fair Trading Act 1986 in line with the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement. (Formerly part of New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill) | Fair Trading Amendment Bill (No 2) | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8658_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 24/7/08 | 2008-07-28T12:00:00.000Z | | Fair Trading Amendment Act 2008 (08/52) | Hon Phil Goff | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 28/7/08 | 210-2D | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
47 | The purpose of the Bill is to require the Family Courts to be transparent and open. | Family Courts (Openness of Proceedings) Amendment Bill | Member's | 00DBHOH_BILL5941_1 | Bill - member's | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | None | 2004-06-23T12:00:00.000Z | | None | Dr Muriel Newman | Bill 105-1 [PDF 262k]|Adobe's web site. Related documents Bills Digest No 1071 Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Amended Answers to Oral Questions — Question No. 4 to Minister; Family Courts (Openness of Proce Related links Debates (Hansard) for 23/6/04 | None | 105-1 | None | None | 19/2/04 | None | First reading negatived (23/6/04) | None | None | |
47 | (Formerly part of Judicial Matters Bill) | Family Courts Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL6044_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 13/5/04 | 2004-05-19T12:00:00.000Z | | Family Courts Amendment Act 2004 (04/44) | Hon Margaret Wilson | Bill 71-3G [PDF 152k]|Adobe's web site. Related links Act text (Interim website of NZ legislation) Debates (Hansard) for 12/5/04 Debates (Hansard) for 13/5/04 | 19/5/04 | 71-3G | None | None | None | None | None | 12/5/04 | None | |
48 | This bill was divided from the Family Courts Matters Bill (Formerly part of Family Courts Matters Bill) | Family Protection Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL8737_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 2/9/08 | 2008-09-16T12:00:00.000Z | | Family Protection Amendment Act (08/80) | Hon Rick Barker | Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 16/9/08 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | This bill was divided from the Securities Disclosure and Financial Advisers Amendment Bill by the Committee of the whole House (Formerly part of Securities Disclosure and Financial Advisers Amendment Bill) | Financial Advisers Amendment Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL9291_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 23/7/09 | 2009-07-27T12:00:00.000Z | | Financial Advisers Amendment Act 2009 (09/24) | Hon Simon Power | Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Securities (Disclosure) Amendment Bill, Financial Advisers Amendment Bill — Third Readings|Text of bill, act and related SOPs on New Zealand Legislation website | 27/7/09 | 13-3B | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
49 | (Formerly part of Financial Markets (Regulators and KiwiSaver) Bill) | Financial Markets Authority Bill | Government | 00DBHOH_BILL10584_1 | Bill - government | 4a92313f-9b09-46cc-a481-f41329708b68 | 7/4/11 | 2011-04-18T12:00:00.000Z | | Financial Markets Authority Act 2011 (11/5) | Hon Simon Power | 18/4/11 | 211-3A | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
March 2014
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May 2011
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Tim McNamara
4 times
09:26, 14 May 2011
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Tim McNamara
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21:46, 8 May 2011
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Tim McNamara
23:15, 7 May 2011
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Tim McNamara
22:23, 7 May 2011