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@thomaslevine I think @typegirl has it covered! Ping me if you want to meet for a coffee :) | 218842434468200449 | mindfulmaps |
@thomaslevine Also this: @LDNTypographica @mindfulmaps | 218836609745956865 | typegirl |
@thomaslevine the design museum, st bride library, and walk everywhere. The tube is fun & all, but you see more walking. @mindfulmaps | 218836001999691777 | typegirl |
@thomaslevine you finished it? :p | 218800606662504449 | brnahhh |
RT @thomaslevine: & @zarino @drjtwit | 218358194953666562 | drjtwit |
@thomaslevine resting in @scraperwiki office liverpool #hardatwork | 218328241000284160 | amcguire62 |
@thomaslevine Have a safe flight back to Big Apple! Hope you enjoyed SF! | 217996883308720128 | findinbay |
@thomaslevine ah - sorry - figured it out! works in edit screen, but not in dashboard. | 217894628249190400 | findinbay |
@thomaslevine is there a fork option in wiki or only copy? copying doesn't seem to allow change of scraper url. | 217893250374184960 | findinbay |
RT @bigdatahipster: Being angry at @github is silly. You know there are starving kids in Africa that still use Subversion, right? | 219879675349041152 | thomaslevine |
@thomaslevine @subtlethoughts Oh oops now I see it. Hmm.... | 219550071828656128 | thomaslevine |
@subtlethoughts Was it a date before 1900? It has problems with those. | 219548299999461376 | thomaslevine |
@typegirl @mindfulmaps I'm in England for a month. Have you suggestions of typographic things to see? | 218805920279445504 | thomaslevine | | 218672763018289152 | thomaslevine |
@zarino Twitter ScraperWiki stuff for tomorrow or whenever | 218382410377723906 | thomaslevine |
& @zarino @drjtwit | 218340852823621632 | thomaslevine |
RT @DataKind: More of this please! RT @dmanww: Awesome turnout for the inaugural event of Data Without Borders NZ. #dwbnz | 218340072716632064 | thomaslevine |
.@thomaslevine has such an awesome github profile | 222589523115261952 | GUNdotIO |
@thomaslevine Monday could work, sometime after 11? | 221295692654718976 | mindfulmaps |
We'll be at Strata London 2012, @thomaslevine talking about cleaning gritty data to tell stories | 220794820283744256 | ScraperWiki |
@GuardianJoanna @MJ_Coren @burtherman and I'm sure that @thomaslevine would also be happy to answer any questions - he's in the UK for Jul. | 220222587689644032 | AineMcGuire |
@GuardianJoanna @MJ_Coren @burtherman @thomaslevine from @scraperwiki will also be doing a post shortly - we can also share that with you:-) | 220222118904868866 | AineMcGuire |
RT @wesmckinn: Nondeterministic errors are my favorite kind | 222405207571697664 | thomaslevine |
RT @pondswimmer: My old editor @nclarkjudd used bacon as a metrics baseline. Drone vs. bacon in google trends: | 221905652686127105 | thomaslevine |
RT @TeXgallery: TeX Live 2012 and MacTeX 2012 have been released today, on July 8th: | 221905054842626048 | thomaslevine |
On the Road by Jack Kerouac | 221903825609555969 | thomaslevine |
@maptalesapp Map Tales is just about exactly what I was looking for. But is there an easy way to see the whole map in one screen? | 221903089047830528 | thomaslevine |
@mindfulmaps @thomaslevine That sounds good. Vaguely where is good for you? | 221601505860530176 | thomaslevine |
RT @AaronicStuff: A 50ish year old woman saw my monstercat shirt at IHOP and started talking to me about "Deadmau five" and how she listens to @Skrillex | 221594462571343872 | thomaslevine |
RT @mshron: Second day in London, first day seeing rain ex nihlo. Poured from nowhere for a few moments, then vanished. | 221594357948628992 | thomaslevine |
RT @voidspace: PyCon UK early bird tickets now available! 28th September to 1st October: | 221593932537143296 | thomaslevine |
@mindfulmaps Something makes me think you live in London, and I'll be there tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. Coffee one of those days? | 221208867843997696 | thomaslevine |
RT @drjtwit: Discovered this awesome service where you can try out books before you buy them. FOR FREE. It's MY LIBRARY! @SheffLibraries | 220799629011337216 | thomaslevine |
RT @felixsalmon: Photo: 7-way Venn. Amazing, beautiful. | 220799587647098880 | thomaslevine | is the email address of Mr Test, who owns the Testersohn & Sons vault but not the Testersohn vault. | 220576724059045888 | thomaslevine |
RT @bigdatahipster: @fonnesbeck @github is way too in. I'm a cvshub employee. | 220150035692785664 | thomaslevine |
@frabcus @thomaslevine Ha! A friend just Instagrammed this from Seaworld in Jakarta | 225212680271708161 | JonathanDeamer |
Wrote a script to grab twitter user profile info with @ScraperWiki using @thomaslevine's code: | 224889113243955200 | datahh |
RT @datahh: To use my @ScraperWiki bulk Twitter user lookup script, simply call in another scraper like: | 224897106391990272 | thomaslevine |
Visiting Birmingham helped me recognized the curvedness of lowercase Baskerville type and refine my concept of the shopping mall. | 224891973226594304 | thomaslevine |
RT @datahh: Wrote a script to grab twitter user profile info with @ScraperWiki using @thomaslevine's code: | 224891361978093569 | thomaslevine |
RT @GUNdotIO: .@thomaslevine has such an awesome github profile | 223094602964537345 | thomaslevine |
@thomaslevine Was this the MVC Excel spreadsheet you were talking about? Just surfaced on Hacker News. Frightening. | 227488982857052160 | zarino |
RT @ScraperWiki: Good morning America! Ever wondered how @ScraperWiki users scrape Twitter? @thomaslevine and @zarino find out: | 227407044741828608 | fresh_squeezed |
RT @ScraperWiki: Data diggers @thomaslevine and @zarino explore how @ScraperWiki users scrape twitter: | 227402496828649472 | LpoolSciencePrk |
RT @riordan: @ScraperWiki @thomaslevine @zarino The obvious answer to the Romneybots is they've found one of their own and are trying to contact it | 227402427995938816 | ScraperWiki |
@ScraperWiki @thomaslevine @zarino The obvious answer to the Romneybots is they've found one of their own and are trying to contact it | 227402337143119872 | riordan |
Good morning America! Ever wondered how @ScraperWiki users scrape Twitter? @thomaslevine and @zarino find out: | 227401161626484736 | ScraperWiki |
RT @frabcus: RT @ScraperWiki Data diggers @thomaslevine and @zarino explore how @ScraperWiki users scrape twitter: | 227379206814855168 | matthewhughes |
RT @ScraperWiki Data diggers @thomaslevine and @zarino explore how @ScraperWiki users scrape twitter: | 227376526730096640 | frabcus |
RT @ScraperWiki: Data diggers @thomaslevine and @zarino explore how @ScraperWiki users scrape twitter: | 227337011227398146 | AineMcGuire |
Data diggers @thomaslevine and @zarino explore how @ScraperWiki users scrape twitter: | 227332439423471616 | ScraperWiki |
@JohnMaguire2013 Oops I never notice mentions. $420 would be hilarious. If you're still interested, I should tell you about its quirks. | 227815391139885057 | thomaslevine |
@mattwaite Don't teach basic R; only teach reshape2, plyr and ggplot2. | 227495204389781504 | thomaslevine |
@zarino Mine is way more sophisticated than that; I'll show you this week. I guess I'll have to blog about it and get it to Hacker News.... | 227490282436960257 | thomaslevine |
@hbillings @markng I approve. | 227132088900534273 | thomaslevine |
I just saw a sign that said "Seel St one-way system reversed from 13 July 2012". What if I posted signs like that o... | 226809249848766465 | thomaslevine |
I just turned off my @linode now that I've replaced it with S3 and five tiny low end boxes. | 226749660876906496 | thomaslevine |
RT @JonathanDeamer: @frabcus @thomaslevine Ha! A friend just Instagrammed this from Seaworld in Jakarta | 226617487205228544 | thomaslevine |
RT @DataKind: We're having an NYC meetup Aug 1! Have a drink or two with @datakind and hang out with other awesome #data4good pals. | 225996556346720256 | thomaslevine |
RT @loisbeckett: Wouldn't it be great if a robot collected all tweets accidentally written in iambic pentameter? And THEN MADE THEM RHYME? ☞ @pentametron | 225960396782174211 | thomaslevine |
#pretty #lettering @mindfulmaps | 225941806838325248 | thomaslevine |
RT @veronicachan: I've never seen such big pomelos before - they sure don't make them like this in the US | 225940173391806464 | thomaslevine |
this. RT @drewconway: @mhkeller @BrianAbelson @thomaslevine @rbloggers all of the apply functions, and stringsAsFactors=F | 230314036598816771 | BrianAbelson |
@mhkeller @BrianAbelson @thomaslevine @rbloggers all of the apply functions, and stringsAsFactors=F | 230313183120863232 | drewconway |
@BrianAbelson @thomaslevine @drewconway @rbloggers cbind, rbind, plyr package and the odd syntax for names() | 230311701160017922 | mhkeller |
@mhkeller @thomaslevine @drewconway @rbloggers … preparing an #R tutorial; what's the first thing you wish someone had taught you? | 230310046813282305 | BrianAbelson |
@mhkeller @thomaslevine @marcgeorges the "extrafont" library for #R allows you to import true type fonts and use them with #rplot & #ggplot2 | 230060260507910144 | BrianAbelson |
RT @thomaslevine: @mhkeller @BrianAbelson @datahh @zarino @frabcus @chrisb33 @justgrimes @onecreativenerd | 229997466584489984 | BrianAbelson |
@thomaslevine I thought Gandi was a domain registrar. | 229879570667544577 | basus |
@thomaslevine are your really in Scarsdale? Let's grab coffee and talk proprietary lettuce and peanut butterers | 229561435016024065 | ndyroth |
@thomaslevine Putting some consideration into that laptop. On another note, how did Prometeus work out for you? | 228211968681582592 | JohnMaguire2013 |
RT @hmason: How did I not know there was a command line interface for Facebook? | 230440240056262656 | thomaslevine |
@BrianAbelson @mhkeller @drewconway @rbloggers locator, paste(collapse=""),, traceback | 230440057390116865 | thomaslevine |
@basus I thought so too. | 229880095018471425 | thomaslevine |
@mhkeller @BrianAbelson @datahh @zarino @frabcus @chrisb33 @justgrimes @onecreativenerd | 229880017365123072 | thomaslevine |
@basus Haha! I switched to Gandi. | 229878662143569920 | thomaslevine |
Scalable Big Data Cloud ROI Agile Fixie API with HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS @H9RBSjs #rocketscience | 229524117236375552 | thomaslevine |
@JohnMaguire2013 | 227842902913593344 | thomaslevine |
@Kersijus @thomaslevine @ScraperWiki Sorry, our tweets are running as promoted based on relevance thru Twitter's platform; will limit that. | 232906097147641856 | strataconf |
@strataconf @thomaslevine @ScraperWiki I don't follow you!!! Therefore why do I receive your ad?? It's annoying!! | 232884670184955904 | Kersijus |
'@thomaslevine of @ScraperWiki on the gnarley, fun & rewarding process of cleaning gritty data at #Strataconf London | 232741662655393793 | strataconf |
@thomaslevine If you have any more than a handful of browser tabs open, you deserve everything you get. #tabnazi | 232600086696296448 | zarino |
@thomaslevine WHAT?! NINE THOUSAND?! | 232550414988488704 | DBZNappa |
@thomaslevine maybe this might be a good start for your math museum maze - | 231040708625186818 | craigbarowsky |
How do I make pip install dependencies when I install something from pypi? (The answer is not just pip install -r requirements.txt.) | 232910399664689152 | thomaslevine |
RT @jeremybowers: I should totally move to Sweden. Unrelated: via @JustinWolfers, @NickKristof | 232550234499198976 | thomaslevine |
Which one of my over 9000 browser tabs is periodically playing sound effects? | 232550085312004098 | thomaslevine |
RT @nasanerd: Why fund @NASA? We just landed a robot the size of a car via a sky crane on Mars & we're ALREADY seeing images & dust particles. #MSL | 232350664477528064 | thomaslevine |
RT @kdundun: anyone in LA know a bar were we can watch the Mars Rover landing tonight? | 232306267782275073 | thomaslevine |
RT @nicolastorzec: The 1st #Wikipedia Engineering Meetup will be held in San Francisco on August 15th: Mobile, Analytics, Visual Editor. | 232305464602402816 | thomaslevine |
@statalgo The answer is "yes". | 231237035971715072 | thomaslevine |
RT @mikko: Sufficiently advanced trolling is indistinguishable from thought leadership. - Cliff Moon | 231024507907895297 | thomaslevine |
Does anyone else want to do pen pals in Braille? | 230751070186516480 | thomaslevine |
Printing dilemmas | 230739592565907456 | thomaslevine |
Does anyone else want to make backups that they can't delete? | 230735669868240896 | thomaslevine |
RT @wesmckinn: pandas users: please post bug reports on GitHub, not StackOverflow | 230701205058363393 | thomaslevine |
@ScraperWiki thanks for letting me sleep on your floor! @thomaslevine I don't know how you did it, it's quite uncomfortable :p | 235428727889211392 | brnahhh |
@thomaslevine Baskerville claimed King of Fonts, your thoughts? | 233743881332719616 | rockyCairn8855 |
Today, I purchased some power plugs. | 234837198187397121 | thomaslevine |
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March 2014
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December 2013
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July 2012
Edited by
Thomas Levine
18:51, 4 July 2012
Edited by
Thomas Levine
18:42, 4 July 2012