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RT @stevesaldivar: Your Ultimate Mobile Reporting Field Guide #wjchat #digitalfirst | 224964795743485952 | lapaperboy | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | lapaperboy |
Your Ultimate Mobile Reporting Field Guide #wjchat #digitalfirst | 224964242355396608 | stevesaldivar | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | stevesaldivar |
@AndrewGibson27 Psh, I graduated last year - before @tauhidchappell! Sorry. But #wjchat is another great one. | 224922565100044289 | KaitlinFlanigan | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | KaitlinFlanigan |
"There is no mistake. There is no win and no fail. There is only make." #wjchat | 224921068782096384 | stevesaldivar | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | stevesaldivar |
Congrats to the newest class of @RJI fellows: #jenclass #wjchat | 224915413471997953 | jenleereeves | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | jenleereeves |
level if it weren't for #cjchat (@AramZS, @suzanneyada, @ethanklapper @NSlayton @KevinLoker) followed by the cool discussions in #wjchat | 224903226078666753 | TauhidChappell | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | TauhidChappell |
Why the "future of journalism" discussion is often a cloudy perspective. h/t @davewiner #journalism #wjchat | 224902493946126337 | hanelly | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | hanelly |
RT @amartinmedia: Giving a company-wide Twitter tutorial on Wednesday. Know of any resources, tips I may have missed? #wjchat #journchat #muckedup #smchat | 224881294759309312 | CadChica | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | CadChica |
Giving a company-wide Twitter tutorial on Wednesday. Know of any resources, tips I may have missed? #wjchat #journchat #muckedup #smchat | 224881178954579970 | amartinmedia | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | amartinmedia |
@TauhidChappell Heard the news... congratulations on the gig!! #wjchat | 224861924393893888 | webjournalist | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | webjournalist |
RT @naudsie: Damn. RT @jayfhicks: Fort Worth Star-Telegram lays off 12 people including managing editor. #wjchat | 224682978910011392 | TheChalkOutline | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | TheChalkOutline |
Damn. RT @jayfhicks: Fort Worth Star-Telegram lays off 12 people including managing editor. #wjchat | 224251906531401728 | naudsie | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | naudsie |
Fort Worth Star-Telegram lays off 12 people including managing editor. #wjchat | 224205400453545984 | jayfhicks | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | jayfhicks |
RT @webjournalist: #ascj #wjchat MT @ONA: Students, come network at the #ONA12 Career Summit and Job Fair for free. No conf reg nec. | 223912099078868992 | V3con | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | V3con |
Job! ABC 7 News/ "is seeking an aggressive multimedia journalist" via @jskarp #onews #UNITY12 #wjchat | 223873571334787072 | webjournalist | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | webjournalist |
RT @webjournalist: #ascj #wjchat MT @ONA: Students, come network at the #ONA12 Career Summit and Job Fair for free. No conf reg nec. | 223861235156918273 | nextgenradio | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | nextgenradio |
RT @webjournalist: #ascj #wjchat MT @ONA: Students, come network at the #ONA12 Career Summit and Job Fair for free. No conf reg nec. | 223858313039855618 | NSlayton | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | NSlayton |
#ascj #wjchat MT @ONA: Students, come network at the #ONA12 Career Summit and Job Fair for free. No conf reg nec. | 223858137931841536 | webjournalist | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | webjournalist |
@annieseven7 You might like #wjchat - a chat for web journalists on Wednesdays @ 5 on tech & business of journalism on the web. | 223835010204049408 | jayfhicks | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | jayfhicks |
RT @ONA: RT @wjchat: And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223784337248751616 | wrikent3500 | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wrikent3500 |
RT @wjchat: And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223782675733946368 | ONA | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ONA |
@wjchat I will be at the conference and would love to meet some #wjchat faces. #UNITY12 | 223527572976320513 | stephrguzman | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | stephrguzman |
«@MarkyshaCannon «@NABJ RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ»» | 223525878460715009 | AshB484 | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | AshB484 |
RT @wjchat: And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223476657883848705 | writerly_dee | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | writerly_dee |
RT @wjchat: If you want to meet us IN PERSON, we're thinking about having a meetup at #UNITY12. Let us know if you'll be there! #wjchat | 223476633804349441 | writerly_dee | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | writerly_dee |
How to find sources on Twitter #wjchat #dfmchat | 223474474849275904 | stevesaldivar | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | stevesaldivar |
Glad you stay in touch! MT @emmacarew: lucky enough to still have my @ThreeSixtyMN mentors @lyndamcdonnell & @bacamaria in my life #wjchat | 223469821570977792 | ThreeSixtyMN | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ThreeSixtyMN |
RT @emmacarew: Worth checking out: @ThreeSixtyMN high school journalism at Univ. of St. Thomas in Minn. #wjchat | 223469420687790080 | ThreeSixtyMN | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ThreeSixtyMN |
MT @_StephSimon: Thanks to W&L jskool. They cared not just about what kind of journo I became, but the kind of person I became. #wjchat | 223468336229519360 | wlunews | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wlunews |
RT @NABJSecCox: @NABJ: RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223464152440647680 | nabjregionsix | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | nabjregionsix |
@stephencearley thank you for mentioning our programs to #wjchat! | 223457457467432961 | wideangleym | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wideangleym |
RT @Revkin: Weekly #wjchat - tonight on young voices in online journalism - great example of how 140 characters can matter: | 223439125339045888 | RobinHood1776 | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | RobinHood1776 |
RT @NABJ: RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223434711081553920 | ChitChatDiva | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ChitChatDiva |
RT @NABJ: RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223433259613302784 | MarkyshaCannon | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | MarkyshaCannon |
@NABJ: RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223433182027063296 | NABJSecCox | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | NABJSecCox |
RT @NABJ: RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223433001961402368 | _blissdavis | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | _blissdavis |
RT @NABJ: RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223432804074131457 | Bartees | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | Bartees |
RT @jayfhicks: If you are interested, KWTX-TV is hiring producers. #wjchat @NABJ | 223432189096886273 | NABJ | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | NABJ |
RT @Revkin: Weekly #wjchat - tonight on young voices in online journalism - great example of how 140 characters can matter: | 223318707424866304 | twatan | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | twatan |
Just read through the #wjchat from tonight. Made me very reminiscent-in my 8th grade diary, I confessed to wanting to be an editor one day. | 223246525680193537 | ccronner | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ccronner |
@webjournalist here's a new, short doc i forgot to mention with inner city kids capturing their lives on tape. #wjchat | 223243504841793536 | ElanoP | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ElanoP |
@wjchat @robyntomlin #UNITY12 #wjchat I'll be there! Let's do it! | 223241250411786241 | tomnaples | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | tomnaples |
@wjchat Poignant tale: when I told my teacher I'm not good-looking for broadcast journ, he said: "You're 16. You'll turn out fine." #wjchat | 223235914762162176 | shahmalinda | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | shahmalinda |
RT @wjchat: If you want to meet us IN PERSON, we're thinking about having a meetup at #UNITY12. Let us know if you'll be there! #wjchat | 223235829252882434 | robyntomlin | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | robyntomlin |
@wjchat Also, shoutout to Haryani Ismail (youth editor of a national daily) who mentored me after I attended journalism camp at 14 #wjchat | 223235075683270656 | shahmalinda | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | shahmalinda |
@wjchat What an affirmation of the influence of hs journalism teachers. I, too, blame mine. If you're out there, TAS, thanks! #wjchat | 223234819558096896 | rmathieson | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | rmathieson |
@wjchat My first mentor has to be Mr Siew Yee Kit, my Sec 4 English teacher. He taught me just how powerful simple words are. #wjchat | 223234224793194496 | shahmalinda | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | shahmalinda |
@wjchat Got started in journ at 12 through my school's newsletter. Picked up newspapers since I was 8 (and my mother took photos!). #wjchat | 223233967963377664 | shahmalinda | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | shahmalinda |
@MarkLoundy @ivanlajara You guys are bad, bad, bad! :D #wjchat | 223233413564477441 | LiciBev | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | LiciBev |
Just finished an inspiring #wjchat about empowering & connecting w/ youth in the newsroom! I think I'm right in the middle #bestofbothworlds | 223232604801990658 | mdeziel | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | mdeziel |
@MarkLoundy I wasn't about to blow it like that. #wjchat | 223232374132047874 | ivanlajara | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ivanlajara |
Great conversation! Will look forward to another #wjchat! | 223231773268652032 | overheardpbs | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | overheardpbs |
Wow, things you don't consider moving from the Midwest to East Coast... #wjchat is LATE out here. | 223231661205229568 | emmacarew | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | emmacarew |
@ivanlajara At least you didn't say that you "came of age" during the Lewinski scandal. #wjchat | 223231557350064128 | MarkLoundy | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | MarkLoundy |
RT @kzawadzki: Had a good time on #wjchat... such a journo junkie. but it just confirms what I already know... This is what I want to do with my life. :D | 223231469231943680 | amartinmedia | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | amartinmedia |
Had a good time on #wjchat... such a journo junkie. but it just confirms what I already know... This is what I want to do with my life. :D | 223231417897861120 | kzawadzki | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | kzawadzki |
@lclap miss you, too! Great chat everyone, I learned a lot! #wjchat | 223231116990099458 | gteresa | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | gteresa |
Had to take Journalism 101 class in college taught by @swierczy. He told me I had good story ideas and I was hooked. It's his fault #wjchat | 223231062954885121 | phogan | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | phogan |
@ivanlajara I'm surprised you didn't go into DNA analysis. #wjchat | 223230937083822080 | MarkLoundy | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | MarkLoundy |
This was great and I'd love feedback on @reportinglabs Thanks for organizing @gteresa the NewsHour misses you! #wjchat | 223230932935643136 | lclap | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | lclap |
RT @wjchat: And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223230901990064129 | acnatta | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | acnatta |
RT @nextgenradio: 16 years old and my journalism teacher said I was a good writer and made me co-editor of the paper my senior year #wjchat | 223230898638827520 | wjchat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wjchat |
RT @wjchat: And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223230854577668096 | kzawadzki | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | kzawadzki |
RT @wjchat: And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223230784817995779 | emmacarew | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | emmacarew |
Realted: I'm also working on a story about how arts orgs use social media for audience building. Tips appreciated! Thanks #wjchat folks. | 223230783538733056 | mdeziel | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | mdeziel |
Good night, all. I'm @saleemkhan if you want to connect. This is my chat-only account. #wjchat | 223230756464504832 | SaleemChat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | SaleemChat |
Worth checking out: @ThreeSixtyMN high school journalism at Univ. of St. Thomas in Minn. #wjchat | 223230710281027585 | emmacarew | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | emmacarew |
@MarkLoundy Lucky you. I was in J-school during the Lewinski scandal #wjchat | 223230611685523456 | ivanlajara | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ivanlajara |
RT @MarkLoundy: @wjchat Went to college during Watergate. I couldnt help myself. #wjchat | 223230512750272513 | wjchat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wjchat |
Yes! RT @wjchat: If you want to meet us IN PERSON, we're thinking about having a meetup at #UNITY12. Let us know if you'll be there! #wjchat | 223230494744117248 | nextgenradio | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | nextgenradio |
RT @wjchat: If you want to meet us IN PERSON, we're thinking about having a meetup at #UNITY12. Let us know if you'll be there! #wjchat | 223230467237888000 | emmacarew | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | emmacarew |
And don't forget to join us for our our annual #socjourn + #wjchat @ONA Meetup at #ONA12 ... YOLO #wjchat | 223230465119760387 | wjchat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wjchat |
Q7 Also had a HS teacher that encouraged interest in photography & family friend worked at @eastoregonian who help me get internship #wjchat | 223230464578699265 | GaryLWest | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | GaryLWest |
@wjchat Went to college during Watergate. I couldn't help myself. #wjchat | 223230374363402241 | MarkLoundy | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | MarkLoundy |
@mdeziel You're a champion. #Igotchu #wjchat | 223230371318345729 | amartinmedia | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | amartinmedia |
Here are some Philly kids getting inspired to be journalists and Austin #wjchat | 223230357003186176 | lclap | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | lclap |
Q7 My first story was a movie review. My second was about HS Army recruiters. #wjchat | 223230342629310464 | cscudder | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | cscudder |
If you want to meet us IN PERSON, we're thinking about having a meetup at #UNITY12. Let us know if you'll be there! #wjchat | 223230332378423296 | wjchat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wjchat |
@wjchat Thanks all for having us! TTFN. #wjchat | 223230330998501377 | tpea | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | tpea |
@wjchat And I also I owe a shoutout to @amartinmedia too for getting me hooked on #wjchat & plugging me into the social media world! #thanks | 223230251713568770 | mdeziel | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | mdeziel |
@wjchat @lclap @annie_whitman @tpea @shespeaksinthai thanks to you and all participants! Excellent convo. #wjchat | 223230248123252736 | alexvlf | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | alexvlf |
Still the first and only African-American to edit my high school paper. I won't say the year because I don't want group sadness #wjchat | 223230146038079488 | nextgenradio | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | nextgenradio |
@kzawadzki @wjchat I like that idea. Find fresh, new talent that way, too. :) #wjchat | 223230096813727744 | LiciBev | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | LiciBev |
Well, that is our time folks! Thanks @lclap, @annie_whitman, @tpea and @shespeaksinthai for hosting! #wjchat | 223230081135427584 | wjchat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | wjchat |
@wjchat Folks, I have to bounce... great #wjchat tonight. A big thanks to all our panelists and @gteresa! Going to #UNITY12 see you there! | 223230024948531201 | webjournalist | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | webjournalist |
@wjchat thanks for chatting you guys rock! @webjournalist @saleemchat @licibev @mdeziel @writerly_dee @lapaperboy @averyholton @tpea #wjchat | 223230017650438145 | adampopescu | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | adampopescu |
Q7 Elementary school paper, haven't stopped since. LOTS of interning. Thank you @cmarrou, Tobin Vaughn, John Gartley, David McHam #wjchat | 223229971282399233 | overheardpbs | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | overheardpbs |
16 years old and my journalism teacher said I was a good writer and made me co-editor of the paper my senior year #wjchat | 223229878890274816 | nextgenradio | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | nextgenradio |
@webjournalist Great measure for a good story! #wjchat | 223229852055113729 | MeganHealey | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | MeganHealey |
@wjchat Also, my mother framed the first thing I ever had published in our local paper. I was 16. Support from family always helps. #wjchat | 223229815514333185 | amartinmedia | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | amartinmedia |
@wjchat Worked for HS paper, was EIC of @The_DailyCampus at UConn. Now Blog for @HuffingtonPost & @InvestEd, and network like crazy #wjchat | 223229811588481024 | mdeziel | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | mdeziel |
@gteresa whoo! three cheers for mentors like @nextgenradio #wjchat | 223229771742588929 | emmacarew | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | emmacarew |
Q7 There were a few mentors through it all, @JRBisMe & former CNNer Bruce Chong among them #wjchat | 223229771239272449 | acnatta | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | acnatta |
RE Q7: Any #wjchat -ers in DFW should encourage youth to check out @dallasnews HS internships. Fantastic way to get started young. | 223229761319739394 | cscudder | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | cscudder |
ME didn't like the pagination job, though. #wjchat | 223229698577149952 | ivanlajara | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ivanlajara |
@wjchat A7: Had paper adviser for HS English. He had classes critique. I thought: "This looks fun!" And, "I could do that better!" #wjchat | 223229656315342848 | stephencearley | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | stephencearley |
The parody paper was called 'The Liar,' by the way. The slogan was "We always tell the truth." And I used it in my resume. #wjchat | 223229612598104066 | ivanlajara | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | ivanlajara |
I got started in journalism by going to j-school and joining the independent school paper. Freelancing. Go for it. Who dares, wins. #wjchat | 223229575000375296 | SaleemChat | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | SaleemChat |
@wjchat In high school wrote to editor of major daily to say they should have student section. Got asked to help design - got hooked #wjchat | 223229551600340992 | davemeddows | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | davemeddows |
@wjchat Q7 Oh, I found a story in H.S. which led me to be called to the assist principal's office... where he tried to bribe me. #wjchat | 223229531127939075 | webjournalist | {'result_type': 'recent'} | None | webjournalist |
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10:07, 25 July 2012