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2010-11-22 18:31:34 | Make up your damn mind lenihan you gobshite. |
2010-11-22 18:31:34 | RT @squidlimerick: Make up your damn mind lenihan you gobshite. |
2010-11-22 18:31:32 | Cowen has made Ahern look like a right gobshite. |
2010-11-22 18:31:32 | Who's the gobshite lunatic howling in Donegal...oh right....Cowen! #bailout #imf |
2010-11-22 18:31:32 | Joe Duffy covering the crucial topic of the day with a text poll...who succeeds Cowen as FF leader. What a gobshite. #liveline |
2010-11-22 18:31:32 | RT @JL_Pagano: Joe Duffy covering the crucial topic of the day with a text poll...who succeeds Cowen as FF leader. What a gobshite. #liveline |
2010-11-22 18:31:30 | @rhodri Ireland has it's fair share of idiot sons, Brian Lenihan & Brian Cowan. Both inherited their fathers seats. Now look at Ireland. |
2010-11-22 18:31:30 | When will our idiot politicians stop lying to us. Cowan Lenihan Aherne Dickhead Roach are liars, criminals and traitors #irelandtoday |
2010-11-22 18:31:30 | Brian Lenihan is a million times the man than that idiot standing beside him. |
2010-11-22 18:31:30 | RT @davidconde: Brian Lenihan is a million times the man than that idiot standing beside him. |
2010-11-22 18:31:30 | Hi, I'm Brian Lenihan. To fuel growth I will increase taxes (but not Corp tax), & decrease spending & min wage. Yep, I'm a fucking idiot. |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | @breakfastnt Cowen says Banks not State need a bailout. Doesn't he know the State own large shares of banks! He is in denial! Idiot Gov!! |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Ha-ha!! Arthur Morgan says that Cowen has been telling lies. #cowen looks like a complete idiot. |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | confirmed in my prejudices: I'd always thought Brian Cowen looked and sounded like a village idiot. Get his hands off our pursestrings now |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | brian cowen looks like such an idiot so stupid looking :L |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Brian Cowen Is An IDIOT |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Brian Cowen - this drunken idiot was blamed for killing a country. But you can't kill what's already dead. |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | RT @TooManyZombies: Brian Cowen - this drunken idiot was blamed for killing a country. But you can't kill what's already dead. |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Fair assessment of Cowen? Idiot, clown, embarrassment, smirking, face-stuffing, barely-adult, irresponsible, blame-dodging little shit...? |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Did you guys hear about this idiot? Bahahaha! |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Brian Cowen making a speech during The X Factor? Fucking idiot. RTE has like 5 viewers vs. 18 million watching ITV. |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Jesus Christ dumb and dumber , although Brian Cowen really looks like an idiot #bailout |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | RT @CiaranMacDara: Jesus Christ dumb and dumber , although Brian Cowen really looks like an idiot #bailout |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | Fucking hell. Cowen is completely fucking deluded. Does not accept that he was at the core of the problem for economic failure. Idiot. |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | @theSoftBullet but he's asking questions Cowen simply cant answer. The discussions havent happened yet. granted again, BC's a bumbling idiot |
2010-11-22 18:31:28 | @steverichards14 Nobody with any sense blames an inanimate object such as a currency. Brown was wrong, as is the idiot Cowen. |
2010-11-23 19:00:19 | Well what a load of shit the fat fool said nothing! cowen you are scum and a total idiot |
2010-11-23 19:00:19 | Well, it's the start of a new week everybody. And it's begun with some idiot on Sky News called Brian Cowen, or something. |
2010-11-23 19:00:19 | Brian Cowen is an idiot he's ruining the country! :/ x please just resign already! >:( |
2010-11-23 19:00:19 | RT @StylesArmy: Brian Cowen is an idiot he's ruining the country! :/ x please just resign already! >:( |
2010-11-23 19:00:19 | What an idiot Cowen is. |
2010-11-23 19:00:19 | So Angry with all going on, Cowen just take a jump and disappear, u idiot, can't listen 2 u anymore |
2010-11-23 19:00:25 | @MaddowBlog yes our country is fucked. Its all thanks to Cowen and the banks and our gobshite goverment :( |
2010-11-23 19:00:25 | I realy hope brian cowen eats his own face, the big fecking gobshite! |
2010-11-23 19:00:25 | What gobshite was teasing Cowen with a pint of Guinness last night as he tried to make the speech of his life??? |
2010-11-24 19:30:29 | don't blame us!kill Cowen!we want to!and he says it's not his fault despite being the minister for finance before becoming Taoiseach?idiot. |
2010-11-24 19:30:32 | lenihan refusing to allow real economists to assisst the government in negotiations on @lstwrd absolute idiot #4yearplan |
2010-11-25 20:00:23 | RT @PieterVos: Dear Mattie McGrath, if Cowen is "worse than Cromwell", then why did you support him until recently? Yours truly, not an idiot |
2010-11-25 20:00:23 | Dear Mattie McGrath, if Cowen is "worse than Cromwell", then why did you support him until recently? Yours truly, not an idiot |
2010-11-25 20:00:24 | RT @bursaar: Watching Brian Lenihan on RTÉ One. He's giving a pretty good account of himself. He might be a cunt, but at least he's not an idiot. |
2010-11-25 20:00:24 | Lenihan is a deluded idiot who has destroyed the country along with his #fiannafail cronies. #rtept |
2010-11-25 20:00:24 | Watching Brian Lenihan on RTÉ One. He's giving a pretty good account of himself. He might be a cunt, but at least he's not an idiot. |
2010-11-25 20:00:27 | RT @Moriartylives: FF need to get rid of Cowen and what he stands for, ie gobshite FF. The decent men need to reassert themselves. FG have a gobshite as leader |
2010-11-25 20:00:27 | FF need to get rid of Cowen and what he stands for, ie gobshite FF. The decent men need to reassert themselves. FG have a gobshite as leader |
2010-11-25 20:00:27 | Brian Cowen is a total gobshite |
2010-11-25 20:00:29 | RT@stephie08: Snapshot of economic ineptitude of Brian Lenihan #bailout #4yearplan #brianlenihan #liar #gobshite #vinb |
2010-11-26 20:30:29 | RT @judehamilton: Respect for Lenihan? Spare me! the idiot has been wrong - totally wrong - at every turn. And ideologically against the people. #vinb |
2010-11-26 20:30:29 | Respect for Lenihan? Spare me! the idiot has been wrong - totally wrong - at every turn. And ideologically against the people. #vinb |
2010-11-28 21:45:50 | Cowen is an idiot. That's how we got here. A babbling, incompetent idiot. #bailout |
2010-11-28 21:45:50 | This bumbling idiot Cowen is an embarassment. Jesus. #bailout |
2010-11-28 21:45:50 | watching six-one sp:rescue deal for ireland " what an idiot mr cowen is. lies lies lies |
2010-11-28 21:45:50 | watching stupid idiot cowen addressing the country about bailout what a (plon)(wan)ker. |
2010-11-28 21:45:50 | michael o leary,dermot desmond,david mcwilliams and brian cowen! name the odd one out. ( the idiot in goverment ) |
2010-11-29 22:00:57 | @TellyDubby Cowen has chutzpah. I just pronounce it gobshite. #bailout #sixone |
2010-12-02 23:00:53 | Should I go Aer Lingus Dublin to London? It seems a hit and miss experience. All that tax to Brian Gobshite Cowen. |
2010-12-07 04:16:08 | @planetjedward do you agree that brian cowen is a gobshite |
2010-12-08 10:15:54 | "Gombeen - A moneylender during the Famine; A fool or idiot; Stupid , also Brian Cowen " |
2010-12-08 10:15:57 | RT @framurray: It's a cross generational family trait!!“@_mickmason_: #vinb Does the idiot brother Lenihan not know what he's talking about or is it .....? |
2010-12-08 10:15:57 | It's a cross generational family trait!!“@_mickmason_: #vinb Does the idiot brother Lenihan not know what he's talking about or is it .....? |
2010-12-08 10:15:57 | #vinb Does the idiot brother Lenihan not know what he's talking about or is it just me who thinks so? |
2010-12-08 10:15:57 | Has anyone noticed that Fianna Fail TDs have left the Dail? That hard-necked, idiot and prick Brian Lenihan. #budget11 |
2010-12-08 10:15:57 | RT @zenbuffy: No, I'm afraid you really haven't acknowledged your mistakes. You continue to pass the buck in every way possible. #budget11 #lenihan #idiot |
2010-12-08 10:15:57 | No, I'm afraid you really haven't acknowledged your mistakes. You continue to pass the buck in every way possible. #budget11 #lenihan #idiot |
2010-12-08 10:16:00 | If the answer to his question very simple, why did it take you half hour to give it you offaly gobshite you #cowen #budget11 |
2010-12-08 10:16:04 | Brian Lenihan is a gobshite! |
2010-12-18 13:30:13 | @fiannafailparty losing 2 ministers and down 5 points on Moodies disastrous FF ratings and Cowen still in denial. Get out now Cowen idiot!! |
2011-01-04 00:46:16 | Yeah but GW Bush was an idiot whereas Brian Cowen is .... oh #ntwycn10 |
2011-01-14 04:45:52 | RT @eoghanstack: IDIOT! RT @micknugent: Minister Conor Lenihan blames opposition for IRL's ills as it failed to prevent Govt’s mistakes |
2011-01-13 04:30:34 | IDIOT! RT @micknugent: Minister Conor Lenihan blames opposition for IRL's ills as it failed to prevent Govt’s mistakes |
2011-01-17 05:45:44 | @faheyr Cowen is a complete & utter incompetent idiot. His inability to do anything in a coherent & intelligent manner is mind boggling. |
2011-01-13 04:30:37 | RT @AmyNoelleDoyle: Brain cowen..your a fucking gobshite. |
2011-01-13 04:30:37 | RT @contact_ie: #cowen resign you gobshite. |
2011-01-13 04:30:37 | Brain cowen..your a fucking gobshite. |
2011-01-13 04:30:37 | #cowen resign you gobshite. |
2011-01-18 06:15:31 | @MiriamOCal Isn't B O Keeffe an idiot if he believes Cowen is honest to have hidden his encounters from pubic @sendboyle |
2011-01-17 05:45:44 | RT @sneezymonica: Screw you Cowen. Now I'm going to look like an idiot in front of all my non-twitter-using colleagues. #ffheave |
2011-01-17 05:45:44 | Screw you Cowen. Now I'm going to look like an idiot in front of all my non-twitter-using colleagues. #ffheave |
2011-01-14 04:45:54 | So will those FF arseholes give that obese #cowen gobshite the boot today or tomorrow? Whatever happens it won't be smooth, it won't be cool |
2011-01-18 06:15:31 | #vinb unblvbl national doublethink re hateful daily mail. Drumm paragon of virtue v Cowen. Idiot readers coupled w Cowen credibility vacuum |
2011-01-19 06:30:23 | Does Color Lenihan need someone to form a view for him. The man is an idiot.#ffheave |
2011-01-15 05:00:31 | #portillo_ge11 From my own lovely Laois - John (Brian Cowen is a great ventriloquist) Moloney. Liking a Biffo is illegal in Laois u Gobshite |
2011-01-15 05:00:31 | Complete Gobshite! RT + 1 @mcgconor: Gilmore: "Motion of no confidence in Taoiseach is nothing to do with Brian Cowen". #pleb |
2011-01-15 05:00:31 | Cowen to act in best interest of FF, What about the best for the Country?. Total "Gobshite". |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | #cowen idiot = Biffo. #goldenglobes = not bothered. |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | Brian Cowen is an idiot! :P |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | Cowen Idiot Leadership to remain?: Brian Cowen TD has put down a motion of confidence in himself for next Tuesd... |
2011-01-19 06:30:22 | Cowen is the biggest joke ever. Will he just f off and go already #Cowen #idiot #ff |
2011-01-19 06:30:22 | RT @Jim_Sheridan: Cowen has my vote of confidence! I'm confident he is a waffling idiot |
2011-01-18 06:15:31 | THE IRISH OBSERVER: Cowen Idiot Leadership to remain? |
2011-01-18 06:15:31 | Cowen has my vote of confidence! I'm confident he is a waffling idiot |
2011-01-21 07:00:25 | RT @charlieconnelly: Having lived here for nearly three years, it's only watching Cowen now that I finally understand the meaning of the word 'gobshite'. |
2011-01-18 06:15:35 | @brianmlucey Cowen is a gobshite! |
2011-01-18 06:15:35 | The sheer open contempt of the press corps for this gobshite is breathtaking (and welcome) #cowen #ffheave |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | RT @JoeLeogue: He's an idiot if he thinks public relations isn't important. The hint's in the title - relating with the public. #Cowen |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | He's an idiot if he thinks public relations isn't important. The hint's in the title - relating with the public. #Cowen |
2011-01-18 06:15:35 | Gobshite Brian Cowen isn't stepping down!! NickyByrne2fm |
2011-01-22 07:30:25 | Appalled at the vote of confidence in Cowen. I respect people's political opinions but if you vote FF in the next election, you're an idiot. |
2011-01-22 07:30:25 | RT @ratskins: Choosing between Martin and Cowen is like choosing between Bert and Ernie. One is a fat angry idiot, the other a chuckling buffoon. #ffheave |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | Choosing between Martin and Cowen is like choosing between Bert and Ernie. One is a fat angry idiot, the other a chuckling buffoon. #ffheave |
2011-01-20 06:45:21 | #Cowen accepts #Martins resignation... Idiot Martin has dug his own grave.. #ffheave #ge11 |
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