Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.

Tag Archives | SQlite

It’s SQL. In a URL.

Squirrelled away amongst the other changes to ScraperWiki’s site redesign, we made substantial improvements to the external API explorer. We’re going to concentrate on the SQLite function here as it is most import, but as you can see on the right there are other functions for getting out scraper metadata. Zarino and Julian have made […]

ScraperWiki Datastore – The SQL.

Recently at ScraperWiki we replaced the old datastore, which was creaking under the load, with a new, lighter and faster solution – all your data is now stored in Sqlite tables as part of the move towards pluggable datastores. In addition to the new increase in performance, using Sqlite also provides some other benefits such […]

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