Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.

Tag Archives | time

What’s Twitter time zone data good for?

The Twitter friends tool has just been improved to retrieve the time zone of users. This is actually more useful than it first might sound. If you’ve looked at Twitter profiles before, you’ve probably noticed that users can, and sometimes do, enter anything they like as their location. Looking at @ScraperWiki‘s followers, we can see […]

Scraping guides: Dates and times

Working with dates and times in scrapers can get really tricky. So we’ve added a brand new scraping guide to the ScraperWiki documentation page, giving you copy-and-paste code to parse dates and times, and save them in the datastore. To get to it, follow the “Dates and times guide” link on the documentation page. The […]

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