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Handling exceptions in scrapers

When requesting and parsing data from a source with unknown properties and random behavior (in other words, scraping), I expect all kinds of bizarrities to occur. Managing exceptions is particularly helpful in such cases.

Here is some ways that an exception might be raised.

[][0] #The list has no zeroth element, so this raises an IndexError
{}['foo'] #The dictionary has no foo element, so this raises a KeyError

Catching the exception is sometimes cleaner than preventing it from happening in the first place. Here are some examples handling bizarre exceptions in scrapers.

Example 1: Inconsistant date formats

Let’s say we’re parsing dates.

import datetime

This doesn’t raise an error.

datetime.datetime.strptime('2012-04-19', '%Y-%m-%d')

But this does.

datetime.datetime.strptime('April 19, 2012', '%Y-%m-%d')

It raises a ValueError because the date formats don’t match. So what do we do if we’re scraping a data source with multiple date formats?

Ignoring unexpected date formats

A simple thing is to ignore the date formats that we didn’t expect.

import lxml.html
import datetime

def parse_date1(source):
    rawdate = lxml.html.fromstring(source).get_element_by_id('date').text

         cleandate = datetime.datetime.strptime(rawdate, '%Y-%m-%d')
    except ValueError:
         cleandate = None

    return cleandate

print parse_date1('<div id="date">2012-04-19</div>')

If we make a clean date column in a database and put this in there, we’ll have some rows with dates and some rows with nulls. If there are only a few nulls, we might just parse those by hand.

Trying multiple date formats

Maybe we have determined that this particular data source uses three different date formats. We can try all three.

import lxml.html
import datetime

def parse_date2(source):
    rawdate = lxml.html.fromstring(source).get_element_by_id('date').text

    for date_format in ['%Y-%m-%d', '%B %d, %Y', '%d %B, %Y']:
             cleandate = datetime.datetime.strptime(rawdate, date_format)
             return cleandate
        except ValueError:

    return None

print parse_date2('<div id="date">19 April, 2012</div>')

This loops through three different date formats and returns the first one that doesn’t raise the error.

Example 2: Unreliable HTTP connection

If you’re scraping an unreliable website or you are behind an unreliable internet connection, you may sometimes get HTTPErrors or URLErrors for valid URLs. Trying again later might help.

import urllib2

def load(url):
    retries = 3
    for i in range(retries):
            handle = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            return handle.read()
        except urllib2.URLError:
            if i + 1 == retries:
    # never get here

print load('http://thomaslevine.com')

This function tries to download the page thee times. On the first two fails, it waits 42 seconds and tries again. On the third failure, it raises the error. On a success, it returs the content of the page.

Example 3: Logging errors rather than raising them

For more complicated parses, you might find loads of errors popping up in weird places, so you might want to go through all of the documents before deciding which to fix first or whether to do some of them manually.

import scraperwiki

for document_name in document_names:
    except Exception as e:
        scraperwiki.sqlite.save([], {
            'documentName': document_name,
            'exceptionType': str(type(e)),
            'exceptionMessage': str(e)
        }, 'errors')

This catches any exception raised by a particular document, stores it in the database and then continues with the next document. Looking at the database afterwards, you might notice some trends in the errors that you can easily fix and some others where you might hard-code the correct parse.

Example 4: Exiting gracefully

When I’m scraping over 9000 pages and my script fails on page 8765, I like to be able to resume where I left off. I can often figure out where I left off based on the previous row that I saved to a database or file, but sometimes I can’t, particularly when I don’t have a unique index.

for bar in bars:
        print('Failure at bar = "%s"' % bar)

This will tell me which bar I left off on. It’s fancier if I save the information to the database, so here is how I might do that with ScraperWiki.

import scraperwiki

resume_index = scraperwiki.sqlite.get_var('resume_index', 0)
for i, bar in enumerate(bars[resume_index:]):
        scraperwiki.sqlite.save_var('resume_index', i)
scraperwiki.sqlite.save_var('resume_index', 0)

ScraperWiki has a limit on CPU time, so an error that often concerns me is the scraperwiki.CPUTimeExceededError. This error is raised after the script has used 80 seconds of CPU time; if you catch the exception, you have two CPU seconds to clean up. You might want to handle this error differently from other errors.

import scraperwiki

resume_index = scraperwiki.sqlite.get_var('resume_index', 0)
for i, bar in enumerate(bars[resume_index:]):
    except scraperwiki.CPUTimeExceededError:
        scraperwiki.sqlite.save_var('resume_index', i)
    except Exception as e:
        scraperwiki.sqlite.save_var('resume_index', i)
        scraperwiki.sqlite.save([], {
            'bar': bar,
            'exceptionType': str(type(e)),
            'exceptionMessage': str(e)
        }, 'errors')
scraperwiki.sqlite.save_var('resume_index', 0)


Expect exceptions to occur when you are scraping a randomly unreliable website with randomly inconsistent content, and consider handling them in ways that allow the script to keep running when one document of interest is bizarrely formatted or not available.

2 Responses to “Handling exceptions in scrapers”

  1. pguardiario May 17, 2012 at 4:49 am #

    Do yourself a favor and switch to Ruby, you won’t ever look back:

    #** date parsing **
    require ‘chronic’
    puts Chronic::parse ‘2012-04-19’
    #> 2012-04-19 12:00:00 +0800
    puts Chronic::parse ‘April 19, 2012’
    #> 2012-04-19 12:00:00 +0800

    #** retrying **
    require “retryable”
    require “open-uri”

    html = retryable( :tries => 3, :on => OpenURI::HTTPError, :sleep => 42) do

  2. Andrew May 21, 2012 at 11:14 am #

    Good article – most scrapers will need to handle a lot of errors a lot of the time.

    However the flip side of this coin is that service providers (views) should be alerting downstream users (scrapers) of error conditions when they occur – so Scraperiwiki guys how’s about doing this for Scraperwiki Views? We should to be able to set some HTTP Status codes when the view is not going to respond in the normal way, for example:

    scraperwiki.utils.httpbusy() # sets 503 status code
    print "Too busy today"

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