Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.


Hi , I’m Sophie: part II

Hi again all! After completing a week of work experience in February, I was eager to return to ScraperWiki as an intern as soon as possible and, a few emails to Francis later, we had organised for me to do a months internship this summer, which has now unfortunately come to an end. My first […]

GeoJSON into ScraperWiki will go!

Surely everyone likes things on maps? Driven by this thought we’re produced a new tool for the ScraperWiki Platform: an importer for GeoJSON. GeoJSON is a file format for encoding geographic information. It is based on JSON which is popular for web based APIs because it is light weight, flexible and easy to parse by […]

NewsReader World Cup Hack Day

A long time ago*, in a galaxy far, far away** we ran the NewsReader World Cup Hack Day. *Actually it was on the 10th June . **It was in the Westminster Hub, London. NewsReader is a EU FP7 project aimed at developing natural language processing and Semantic Web technology to make sense of large streams […]


In Berlin last week, a bunch of interoperability geeks gathered for the first csv,conf. Yes, that’s right, comma-separated value files. The conference was about getting stuff done. Data in, data out… With an ironic self-recognition that CSVs are weak in lots of ways, but still the best we’ve got. To give you a taste, here […]

The history of Pivot table

A pivot table is a spreadsheet feature that allows data tables to be rearranged in many ways for different views of the same data (pivot from one view to another). Pivot Tables have become ubiquitous amongst power users of Excel, even being listed as a skill in CVs and a “desirable” in job specifications – […]

Twitter tool update

Last week, our Twitter API use was suspended. We’re talking to various people at Twitter, DataSift and Gnip to try and resolve this. Unfortunately, we still can’t tell or predict when or if we’ll be able to bring the service back. To avoid making false promises, we’ve removed the tools from our website for now.

Which GOV.UK department is most mobile?

We recently made 37 dashboards for GOV.UK, full of stats about what people look at on the Government’s website. As you know, the best data opens itself, so I asked myself, what does the underlying data behind these new dashboards secretly reveal? Each dashboard shows the devices people used to access a department. If you mush that together across […]

And fast streaming CSV download…

We’re rolling out a series of performance improvements to ScraperWiki. Yesterday, we sped up the Tableau/OData connector. Today, it’s the turn of the humble CSV. When you go to “Download a spreadsheet” you’ll notice the CSV file is now always described as “live”. This means it is always up to date, and streams at full […]

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