Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.

Tag Archives | requests

Tools of the trade

With the experience of a whole week of ScraperWiki, I am starting to appreciate the core tools of the professional Data Scientist. In the past I’ve written scrapers in Matlab, C# and Python. However, the house language for scraping at ScraperWiki is Python. It’s a good choice: a mature but modern language with a wide […]

This one goes out to the ScraperWikians we love!

From business licenses in Islington (London, UK) to Oakland (Calinfornia, USA), councillors in India, presidential engagements in Ireland, newspapers in America and planning applications in Westoxon; here at ScraperWiki we are saluting our users who are looting the web of data for those in need. The Robin Hood’s of the data digging world! We have […]

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