Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.


New event! Hacks & Hackers Glasgow (#hhhglas)

Calling journalists, bloggers, programmers and designers in Scotland! Scraperwiki is pleased to announce another hacks & hackers hack day: in Glasgow. BBC Scotland is hosting and sponsoring the one day event, with support from BBC College of Journalism. As with our other UK hack days, Guardian Open Platform is providing the prizes. Web developers and […]

Who changed my scraper? History upgrade

We’ve upgraded the history window, to make it easier to see who’s changed your scraper, what they changed, and when it broke. This is particularly useful if you’ve just received an email alert. You can get to it from the “History” tab at the top right of each scraper or view’s page. Here’s an example from the Work4MP […]

Job advert: Product / UX lover

ScraperWiki is a Silicon Valley style startup, but based in the UK. We’re changing the world of open data, and how programming is done together on the Internet. We’re looking for a web product designer who is… Able to make design decisions to launch features by themselves. Capable of writing CSS and HTML, and some […]

Spot and Normalize Inconsistent Measures

Here’s an example of why you have to be very careful when scraping, and why your normal run-of-the-mill technology that makes assumptions won’t cut it: One of our super-users, Julian Todd, decided to scrape the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) website on new car fuel consumption and exhaust emissions figures. And he spotted this: And another […]

Ruby screen scraping tutorials

Mark Chapman has been busy translating our Python web scraping tutorials into Ruby. They now cover three tutorials on how to write basic screen scrapers, plus extra ones on using .ASPX pages, Excel files and CSV files. We’ve also installed some extra Ruby modules – spreadsheet and FastCSV – to make them possible. These Ruby scraping […]

Job advert: Web designer/programmer

Care about oil spills, newspapers or lost cats? ScraperWiki is a Silicon Valley style startup, but in the North West of England, in Liverpool. We’re changing the world of open data, and how programming is done together on the Internet. We’re looking for a web designer/programmer who is… Capable of writing standards compliant CSS and […]

We're hiring!